News & Events
PhD seminar winter term 2024/25
The seminar takes place on Wednesdays, 14:30, in HS 05.12.
- Oct. 16, Otto Laback (TU Graz) “On the topological connection of inertial frames of a spacetime manifold”
- Oct. 23, Iulian Grozav, Felix Halbwedl, Friedrich Viertler “Bound states in the Functional Renormalisation Group”
- Oct. 30, Sofie Martins (U. of Southern Denmark, Odense) “Composite Higgs from SU(2) gauge theory with two fundamental flavours”
- Nov. 6, Matthias Diez “On backreaction in the Sauter-Schwinger effect”
- Nov. 13, Eduardo Ferreira “Hadron Structure and Functional Methods”
- Nov. 20, Georg Wieland “Lattice Analyses of the SU(2) scalar-fermion-gauge system”
- Nov. 27, Yannick Dengler "Dark Matter Scattering: 3->2 on the lattice"
- Dec. 4, Juliana Carrosco (U. Valencia) “Emerging jet probes of strongly interacting dark sectors”
- Dec. 11, Einan Gardi (U. Edinburgh)
- Jan. 8, Christian Kohlfürst (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) “Strong-field QED”
- Jan. 15, Michael Hansen
- Jan. 22, Joshua Lockyer
- Jan. 29, Enno Carstensen
PhD seminar summer term 2024
PhD seminar winter term 2023/24
The PhD seminar takes place on Wednesdays, 15:00 in HS 05.12.
- Jan 31: Elizabeth Dobson
"Constructing Operators on the Lattice"
- Jan 24: Luka Leskovec, University of Ljubljana
"The finite volume of lattice QCD"
- Jan 17: An Di, University of Uppsala
"Baryon Form Factors with Dispersion Theory"
- Jan 10: Joshua Lockyer
"Walking in the Hidden Valley: simulating near-conformal dark sector theories"
- Dec 13: Yannick Dengler
"Scattering of dark pions in an Sp(4) gauge theory"
- Dec 6: Eduardo Ferreira
"Bound states on the light front"
- Nov 22: Michael Hansen
"Correcting Complex Langevin simulations for full QCD"
- Nov 15: Jordan Francois, University of Graz
"Bundle geometry & covariant phase space methods for diffeomorphisms"
- Nov 8: Heribert Weigert, University of Capetown
"QCD at high energies: Wilson lines in the CGC and jets"
- Oct 25: Sean Mee
"Collider phenomenology of strongly interacting dark matter"
- Oct 18: David Dobrigkeit-Chinellato, Stefan Meyer Institute Vienna
"High-density QCD matter studies: a summary of recent measurements and their implications"
- Oct 11: Michael Mandl
"Interacting Fermions in Magnetic Fields, at Non-Zero Temperature and Density"
Graduate days
"Introduction to the Functional Renormalisation Group"
November 21 - 22, 2024, HS 05.12
Organizer: Reinhard Alkofer, Lecturers:
- Jens Braun (TU Darmstadt)
- Holger Gies (U. Jena)
- Jan M. Pawlowski (U. Heidelberg)
Please note that the talks on Thursday will be in the style o
Nov. 21st
14:00 - 15:30 Jens Braun,
"The Wetterich equation: Where it comes from and first steps"
- Derivation of the Wetterich equation
- Discussion of the properties of the Wetterich equation
- First application: Solving ordinary integrals with the Wetterich equation
- Wetterich equation and scalar field theory: A first shy glimpse at critical behaviour
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee
16:00 - 17:30 Holger Gies,
“Simple examples for functional RG flows”
17:30 - 19:00 Jan Pawlowski,
"Emergent composites & Functional flows at finite T & mu"
- Dinner (at Steirer Stub'n, starting appr. 19:30)
Nov. 22nd
9:15- 10:45 Jan Pawlowski,
“Physics informed RG flows, and the phase structure of QCD"
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee
11:15 - 12:45 Jens Braun,
"From perturbation theory to dense neutron-star matter: Mind the (color-superconducting) gap"
- Perturbation theory and functional RG
- Dense strong-interaction matter and neutron stars
- Ground-state(s) of dense strong-interaction matter
- Equation of state and speed of sound
Lunch 12:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30 Holger Gies,
"Pathways to high-energy complete quantum field theories"
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee
15:45 - 16:15 Concluding discussion
"Quantum Field Theory applied to Condensed Matter Systems"
May 27-28 2024, HS 05.12
Organizer: Reinhard Alkofer, Lecturers:
- Dieter Kölle (U. Tübingen)
- Lukas Janssen (TU Dresden)
- Selym Villalba Chavez (U. Düsseldorf)
“Structure in jets and hadronic final states”
Jan 25-26 2024, HS 05.12
Organizer: Simon Plätzer, Lecturers:
- Jack Holguin (University of Manchester, UK)
- Christian Bierlich (Lund University, Sweden)
- David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (Stefan Meyer Institute & OeAW Vienna, Austria)
“Exotic hadrons”
June 1-2 2023, HS 05.12
Organizer: Gernot Eichmann, Lecturers:
- Claudia Patrignani (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Alessandro Pilloni (University of Messina, Italy)
- Eric Swanson (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
"Quantum Computing"
Jan 26-27 2023, HS 05.12
Organizer: Denes Sexty, Lecturers:
- János Asbóth (Wigner RCP Budapest, Hungary)
- Alessio Celi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
- Stefan Kühn (DESY Zeuthen, Germany)